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Want to try an easy approach to get your positive spirit back, so you can feel energetic, hopeful, …unstoppable? Caution – you will need to spend some quiet time alone for this.

If you feel off-track or overwhelmed, a soothing way to feel better is to think about how you can “reset.” When someone resets, they restore or reboot their focus.

When you are not feeling at your emotional, physical, or spiritual best, rehashing all the areas in your life you need to “fix” can lead to self-judgement, ultimately causing more stress.

Ladies, we are particularly good at this! I am sure this is not your goal, so let’s make resetting part of your new goal!

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Wayne W. Dyer

Reset Approach:

  • Think about or write down what is going well for you currently.  Allow that gratitude to sink in – are you thankful for a job, a place to live, caring people in your life, healthy children, or a new day? Gratitude feels good:)
  • Ask yourself what you want to change. Do you need more time for yourself, more money, a better job, more fun, a better connection with a friend? Or maybe, it’s an overall feeling you that you want to improve
  • Hit “reset” (in your mind). I picture a button, just like the “easy” button. Do what works for you. Don’t replay what did not work in the past, the key word is “reset.”
  • Let the next step come to you. It may come right way, or it may take time. It can be very small and simple – just follow your heart.
  • Enjoy your renewed positive spirit as you take steps in the right direction for yourself. 

Have a happy day,
Christine Willard

Certified Life and Career Coach

Breakthrough Sessions are free and give you the opportunity to talk through any area of your life with me in confidence. As your coach, I will listen, guide, and help you over the hurdles so you can get on living your best life!   
Schedule your session today!